


UnificAsian is a Chicago-based non-profit organization focused on preserving Asian culture and heritage, helping all generations build a better community and stronger, more integrated lives.

 A supportive community lays the foundation for happiness. However, our elders—especially Asian American immigrants—are often neglected. Senior citizens not only struggle to adjust to the modern world, but also face language and cultural barriers. 

 The Asian American Federation Census Information Center found:

“A third of Asian seniors never graduated high school, compared to just over a quarter of all seniors in the United States.”  And, “While most Asian seniors lived in family households, almost a third (31%) of Asian seniors lived in linguistically isolated households. About three in five Asians seniors had difficulty speaking English, compared to 8 percent of all seniors.”

Through a focus specifically on language, UnificAsian seeks to empower elderly members of the Asian American community in the greater Chicago area. Additionally, UnificAsian works to preserve the linguistic idiosyncracies of immigrant communities.

Alone, we can do so little, together, we can do so much!
— Helen Keller


Jack Chan, Founder of UnificAsian




“Since I was raised in China during my early childhood, my grandparents and I developed a close bond. When I moved back to America, we drifted apart due to conflicting time zones and my busy schedule.

Being an active volunteer in several Asian cultural events in the recent years, I often witness our elders tasked with looking after the younger children. This reminded me of my current relationship with my grandparents and evoked a powerful desire to reconnect with them. Through UnificAsian, I want to share my experiences and help other communities reconnect with their elders too!”

- Jack Chan


UnificAsian serves to empower, strengthen, and foster conversation among Asian immigrants in the Northern Chicago area. Acknowledging that our world is rapidly evolving and become widely globalized, UnificAsian provides a space to preserve heritage, customs, and ethos of these communities, while also helping senior citizens without English proficiency to better communicate and interact in English.
